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The Ask: Find a genre, song or musical movement that best represents a cause and use typography to bring it to life.
The Insight: According to RAINN (Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network), less than a quarter of all rapes are reported. Victims feel silenced.
Silver Miami ADDY Winner
The Typeface
Using the sound waves of victims’ voices, a typeface was created in which each letter corresponds to a story audio. By amplifying the voices of those who have been silenced, victims feel validated and can heal.
The Album
An exclusive vinyl record featuring songs with which victims can identify will be sold. Proceeds will be donated to RAINN to further help victims.
The Posters
In major cities and college towns across the U.S., posters featuring lyrics from the AMPLIFY album will be distributed.
The Microsite
By following the link on the posters, our audience will access a microsite with all of the AMPLIFY letters. Here, we’re educating the public with an assault alphabet complete with victims’ original audio recordings.
AR Feature
On the mobile AMPLIFY site, users can interact with the typeface via an AR smart phone feature.